Coaching training: educational coach

Event date

Theoretical basic knowledge in coaching and practical methods from various schools

As a research assistant, teacher for special tasks or administrative-technical employee, you can be trained as an educational coach here and then independently carry out subject-related educational coaching with students looking for support in your teaching units.

The training is designed in a blended learning format. Accompanied self-learning phases in Moodle alternate with face-to-face events, which are carried out on site or live online. There are three days of on-site attendance and two 1/2-day online live events per module. The training begins with a digital self-study phase in Moodle on January 8th, 2024; the first attendance date will be January 19th, 2024.

1.5 hours of work per week can be planned for self-study.

When: from January 8th, 2024 from 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m

Where: Blended learning format: online + presence, University of Kassel

The event is carried out as part of the QuiS project : ProStudium – subject-related educational coaching

Contact person

Teaching Service Center , University of Kassel