Analysis of master's programs

At a glance

For: prospective students, students

Topics: increasing study success rates, reducing dropout rates, course development, quality assurance

Location: Geisenheim University

Research causes – develop measures

Why is it that many students study longer than intended - or don't even complete their degree? An analysis of Geisenheim University's master's degree program portfolio is intended to identify the causes of extended study durations and low graduation rates. Based on the results, suitable measures are then developed to ensure and improve the ability to study.

Particular attention is paid to student behavior and the initial study phase, especially for international students.

The master's degree program portfolio at Geisenheim University is characterized by the historically developed focus on viticulture and oenology. The university emerged from the Royal Prussian School of Fruit and Viticulture, which was founded in 1872. In 2013, this developed into the independent university Geisenheim University - with currently eight professionally qualifying, practice-oriented bachelor's degree programs and nine research-based master's degree programs.

Contact person

Dr. Kai Oliver Thielking , Geisenheim University

See also