Promoting the internationalization of studies and mobility

At a glance

For: students, teachers

Topics: Expansion of international cooperation, Internationalization@home, global working world, international networking, stay abroad

Location: Geisenheim University

Expand horizons – abroad and at home

A time abroad broadens your horizons and your language skills - it improves your chances on the job market and optimally prepares you for the globalized world of work. The aim of this sub-project is therefore to improve the mobility and internationalization of studying and teaching.

In addition to the opportunities for students of all degree programs to spend time abroad, it is also about networking and expanding the teachers' international contacts - in short: the HGU's international profile.

Although the HGU already has an extensive international network of university and research collaborations, this is largely limited to viticulture courses. In addition to promoting the mobility of students and university staff, the international dimension of the study programs that have so far had little international focus should also be improved. Measures to promote Internationalization@home are intended to encourage students to spend time abroad and prepare them for the global working world.

It's not just about entire semesters at foreign universities; internships are also an excellent way to gain experience. One goal of the project is therefore to initiate and build a subject-specific internship database. The offering for students studying beverage technology, food safety, food logistics, horticulture and landscape architecture is also to be significantly expanded.

In order to inspire more students to spend time abroad, new communication opportunities are being created, which not only include lecturers but also former exchange students. At the same time, the willingness of lecturers to take part in international exchange programs should be increased. University partnerships should also be expanded and international guest lecturers and foreign company staff should be more closely involved - for example through online guest lectures with the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza (Argentina).

In order to promote interculturality and foreign languages ​​locally, short-term programs such as summer schools are being expanded with cooperation partners and interdisciplinary offerings in English are being developed in elective areas of study.

The sub-project to promote internationalization is based on the results of the audit of the University Rectors' Conference (HRK) on internationalization (2019) as well as the HGU's ranking in the profile data on the internationality of German universities (German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), HRK and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).

Contact persons

Dr. Kai Oliver Thielking , Geisenheim University

See also