Digital study choice

At a glance

For: pupils, prospective students, students

Topics: Central platform for orientation offers, mapping the course selection process online, addressing different search behavior, addressing different educational biographies, peer-level advisory concept, creation of multimedia content

Sub-project of UMRdivers:: Diversity – Orientation – Student Success

Location: Philipps University of Marburg

Digital study choice

The sub-project “Digital Study Choice” develops digital advice and orientation offers for prospective students. These should be brought together in a central location and made available to prospective students. The focus is on asynchronous content to ensure flexibility in terms of location and time. The resulting offerings are intended to cover all phases of the study selection process (orientation, exploration, preparation) and thus meet the different needs of prospective students.

Contact person

Dr. Milena Elsinger , Philipps University of Marburg

See also