Diversity Education Office (EDuStart)

At a glance

For: students, teachers, university staff

Topics: diversity-sensitive and discrimination-critical university, diversity strategy, further training offers, quality assurance, diversity

Subproject of EDuStart

Location: Technical University Of Darmstadt

Living and teaching diversity

Our society is becoming more and more diverse and so is TU Darmstadt. Therefore, a diversity strategy for TU Darmstadt was developed in a participatory process with all members of the university. The process was led by the EDuStart Project Diversity Education Office . The strategy promotes a university that is sensitive to diversity and critical of discrimination. Based on this self-image, the project provides further training courses for teachers, students and other university members on the topic of diversity. How do I integrate diversity into my teaching? Which structures discriminate or create barriers? Am I influenced by unconscious norms and stereotypes when interacting with others? These and other questions are answered here.

Contact person

Dr. Lydia Seibel , Technical University Of Darmstadt

See also