Expansion of examination options. Create curricular flexibility and expand participation in educational offerings through quality development

At a glance

For: students, teachers

Topics: Making examination options more flexible, English, German (as a foreign language), French, Spanish, Language Center at the University of Kassel, expansion of examination options, standardization of action-oriented and university-related language examinations

Location: University of Kassel

Making exams more flexible in foreign language courses

The project, based at the International Study Center (ISZ) / Language Center at the University of Kassel, aims to make the examination options more flexible and expand for participants in the English, French, Spanish and German (as a foreign language) language courses.

Development of an examination pool

With the development of an examination pool as part of the QuiS_Flex project, the prerequisites are created for significantly expanding the current range of examination dates at the language center, especially with regard to rewriting and repetition ('Resit').

With the option to choose between several 'Resit' dates per semester, students can organize their time more flexibly and structure their studies more flexibly. Prompt alternative dates increase the chance of being able to take the exam close to the course. This increases the chances of success in completing the coursework, as language skills in particular can be lost very quickly without continuous practice. Students can therefore benefit from more flexible examination offerings in many ways during their studies. Study success can be increased.

Since the exams at the Language Center of the University of Kassel not only serve to complete the course and acquire credits, but also to certify a level of competence - based on the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) and the UNIcert® levels - the planned flexibility increases of the examination system and the possible expansion of the 'Resit' entitlement improve the chances of students in the area of ​​international mobility and on the labor market.

The development of standardized examinations as part of the project is also intended to have an impact on the quality of teaching and the sustainability of the educational content in the spirit of constructive alignment. The overall attractiveness of foreign language training at the University of Kassel should be increased by making the examination options more flexible.

Contact person

Dr. Bettina Baumgärtel , University of Kassel

See also