Family Welcome Service – support for families

At a glance

For: students, teachers

Topics: Babysitting, support for teachers, flexible childcare, relief for students, studying with children

Location: University of Kassel

Relief for students and teachers with children

The goal of making studying and teaching more flexible can benefit from support for students and teachers with family responsibilities through expanded childcare offerings during lecture and exam times. Using QuiS_Flex funds, existing offers from the university's central Family Welcome Service will be expanded in order to contribute to flexible study and teaching conditions on both sides and to counteract compatibility barriers in the areas of study, work and teaching. This makes it possible to temporarily respond to increased demands during intensive work and learning phases. Particular attention is paid to expanding flexible and needs-based childcare. The Family Welcome Service implements three measures for this purpose.

Babysitting platform

The current babysitting pool is to be converted into a transparent babysitting platform on the Family Welcome Service homepage, which is available to students and employees at any time; Babysitters can only be members of the university. The university supports placement by providing an easily accessible platform.

Support for teachers with family responsibilities

Teachers with family responsibilities can apply for financial resources for a student assistant to develop and implement flexible teaching offerings and during subsequent intensive (teaching) phases. Support can be agreed individually within the framework of legal options (e.g. support in teaching, research, qualification and childcare).

Financing of care hours

Inquiries in the area of ​​flexible childcare have increased significantly since the corona pandemic subsided in the summer semester of 2022. In particular, students with children under the age of three often seek regular childcare during university obligations. What is often sought are regular and flexible childcare hours for an entire semester. By using QuiS_Flex funds, existing flexible childcare offerings are expanded to meet needs.

Contact person

Alina Lacher , University of Kassel

See also