Flexibilization projects in the mathematics and natural sciences departments

At a glance

For: students

Topics: Development of part-time study plans, making laboratory internships more flexible, additional teaching offerings, tutorials to prepare for repeat exams, mathematics and natural sciences

Location: University of Kassel

Developing part-time study plans and dealing with bottlenecks

Studying in the natural sciences, which is particularly time-structured, can be difficult given the individual requirements for the allocation of time budgets. The project of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences refers to two fields of action that build on each other: on the one hand, the creation of differentiated sample study plans for more flexible study in “informal” part-time, and on the other hand, increasing the frequency of offering individual courses in order to enable more flexible study courses.

Development of part-time study plans

High average study times in some of the department's study programs are often due to the social and/or economic situation of the students, which makes it difficult to fully concentrate on their studies. In exchange with students, teachers and the department's examination committees, as well as taking into account the existing examination regulations, sample study plans are developed that support students in planning a flexible course of study, but also raise awareness among advisory centers and teachers. In addition, “bottlenecks” – events that make it difficult to study flexibly due to their location and/or the frequency of their offering – are to be identified. For the development and provision of example study plans, the specifics of the department's natural science programs in particular with the more complex planning of participant numbers and spatial or laboratory facilities are of particular importance.

Making laboratory internships more flexible through additional teaching offerings

In the experimental subjects of the department (biology, physics, chemistry, nanostructure sciences), (laboratory) internships can hinder more flexible studies. However, due to space constraints or limited staffing capacity, most of these events are only offered once a year. For students who are unable to successfully complete such an internship in the scheduled semester, it will only be possible to complete it (again) in the following year. In addition, this also postpones participation in events for which a successfully completed internship is a prerequisite for participation. As a result, the individual course of study is delayed.

A solution could be that, for example, a second internship group uses the (laboratory) rooms in a kind of 'shift operation' or that the event is offered in the semester in between in addition to the annual cycle. Therefore, if this does not appear possible with existing staff, additional staff capacity should be financed from the project funds in order to enable additional internship groups and an additional offer to the annual cycle.

In an internal departmental selection process, teachers, the student council or students can propose appropriate events that examine how many students would benefit from more flexibility. The effect of these measures should be evaluated by surveying the students affected and by monitoring the course of their studies. Particular attention is paid to whether there is a positive effect on study times.

Tutorials to prepare for repeat exams

If modules that consist of lectures and exercises and are offered annually are also mentioned when identifying “bottlenecks”, support measures to prepare for the asynchronous re-examination in the semester between lectures can also be helpful in order to make the course of study more flexible. Although an exam is usually offered here so that students can complete the retake as quickly as possible, preparation for the retake exam has not yet been offered. The QuiS_Flex funds enable tutorials to prepare for the corresponding re-examination.

Contact person

Isabell Mayrhörmann , University of Kassel

See also