Get in Touch & Re:Start your Campuslife!

At a glance

For: students, teachers

Topics: Promoting motivation with a life design course, acute care through the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center (PBS), social networking, campus revitalization, sports activities, promoting student initiative

Location: Goethe University Frankfurt

Get in Touch & Re:Start your Campuslife!

Your fellow students as a tile on the screen, recorded lectures, no lunch in the cafeteria - the corona pandemic has made studying a lonely experience. When Goethe University finally returned to face-to-face operations in the summer semester of 2022, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But after the long time in the home office, getting back to work proved to be a challenge for many. Under the project umbrella “Get in Touch & Re:Start your Campuslife!” Student councils and student initiatives therefore came up with a lot of ideas to make it easier for students to return to campus. The individual projects can be assigned to three overarching thematic areas – togetherness, shared commitment and shaping the university – and continue to have an impact beyond the funding period.


Under the motto “Design your life”, the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Students (PBS) offered various blinding coaching courses. The coaches supported students in daring to restart face-to-face, setting new goals and overcoming the fear of failure. Over 700 students benefited from modern methods from design thinking, positive psychology and motivational psychology. In addition, teachers and staff were offered regular events and workshops on student mental health to ensure comprehensive support.

Togetherness, shared commitment and shaping the university are an important part of student and university life and benefit particularly from the funded projects, even beyond the funding period.

Get to know each other!

A university thrives on interdisciplinary exchange and networking - but after a long absence from campus, many found it difficult to approach others. The Center for University Sports offered a particularly low-threshold and popular offer. With the free GoethePlay, students on campus were able to spend their breaks in a sporty and active way. The university sports facilities and their infrastructure were available free of charge on specified dates for more community activities. There were game nights and fun competitions like the big multi-sport tournament. But the karaoke group singing in the open air on a summer evening was also a highlight with over 300 participants.

Design together!

Student councils and student initiatives are drivers and designers of student life, but they often fell into a phase of inactivity during the long Corona period. As a “kickstart,” Goethe University set up a fund from which people could apply for up to 2,000 euros for their own ideas and projects to revitalize the campus. Excursions, lectures and conferences as well as parties and film evenings as well as an intercultural mentoring program were supported. At the same time, various further training courses on the “professionalization of the student councils and student initiatives” were offered and actively used in a series of workshops - these covered topics such as financing and funding opportunities, helping to shape the university, working in committees, organization, public relations and recruiting members.

Contact person

Martha Geiger , Goethe University Frankfurt

See also