At a glance
For: students, teachers
Topics: Digital teaching at music colleges, support through sound-optimized software, use of the Moodle learning platform, hardware and software in artistic lessons
Location: Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
Digital formats in art lessons
In 2021, the HfMDK met the challenges and opportunities of digital teaching and learning formats with the purchase of suitable hardware and software funded by QUIS.
Music-specific programs for demonstration and training purposes
Macbooks were purchased for demonstration and training purposes of music-specific programs such as Dorico and Sibelius as well as for the use of certain Apple applications, which are primarily used in the area of school music.
To reduce latency and to implement sophisticated online instrumental and singing lessons, the sound-optimized software environments Appassimo and Doozzoo were tested and put into continuous operation. Both systems are suitable for use in music courses, both in group and individual lessons, because their filter functions are optimized for voice use and enable simultaneous bidirectional communication (e.g. spoken comments from the teacher on the other person's instrumental playing).
In cooperation with the Goethe University Frankfurt, the HfMDK has been able to offer the learning management system Moodle since 2020 in order to offer teachers and students all the options for digital course and media management. These are used intensively, particularly in theory and teaching subjects. This project was also realized in 2021 thanks to the financial resources for hosting, maintenance and support provided by QUIS.
Contact person
Constanze Gruhle , University of Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt