Internal quality assurance system and course development

At a glance

For: students, teachers

Topics: Quality assurance system, course development, profile, accreditation, reporting

Location: Geisenheim University

Create and establish structures

In order to anchor quality assurance sustainably, the necessary structures, processes and systems will be created in this subproject. The project consists of three building blocks that interlock and complement each other.

First of all, it is about establishing an internal quality assurance system for all structures and processes relevant to teaching and studying. In this way, the qualification goals of the study programs can be achieved and the high quality of the courses offered can be ensured.

In a second step, a reporting system in the area of ​​evaluation is set up and established. Here the results are fed into the quality cycle in order to obtain key figures for course development.

And finally, the study programs are developed to sharpen their profile in order to maintain the processes of continuous development and assurance of the quality of the study programs.

Contact person

Dr. Kai Oliver Thielking , Geisenheim University

See also