Flexible learning locations at the university

At a glance

For: students

Topics: Places of learning, conduciveness to learning, atmosphere, flexible use of space, digitally supported learning

Location: Fulda University

Heated learning spaces in the energy crisis

The energy crisis also has an impact on teaching and learning at Fulda University in the winter semester of 2022/23. For many students, increasing energy costs represent an additional burden. One form of relief is the provision of additional heated learning spaces at the HFD. In order to create this within the already heated areas, a flexible furniture system and mobile electronic flip charts were purchased.

The furniture elements can be easily and variably configured as work or bar tables as well as seating. An integrated locking mechanism ensures a secure stand. The electronic flipcharts can be used flexibly as a monitor and writing surface. The documents created with it can be taken directly via email or memory stick. Further use for the following semesters is guaranteed.

Contact person

Hans-Martin Pohl , Fulda University

See also