Funding for dual studies in agriculture

At a glance

For: Pupils, prospective students, students, trainees

Topics: Student marketing, study information for prospective students, information and networking, quality improvement in studies, dual studies, organic farming

Location: University of Kassel

Faster completion

The Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel, in cooperation with the State Office for Agriculture in Hesse (LLH), enables the offer of a dual study course in agriculture. The aim is to closely interlink theory and practice. The dual students receive training that prepares them for later professional work in management positions in practical agriculture or consulting. Through the dual study program in agriculture, the total training period (at least two years of apprenticeship, three years of bachelor's degree) can be shortened to around four and a half years. In alternating blocks, students complete parts of the agricultural apprenticeship and the bachelor's degree in organic agriculture.

Combination with horticultural training

With the support of funds from the QuiS_DuaL funding program, measures to strengthen the quality, attractiveness and visibility of the dual study program in agriculture are being implemented at the Witzenhausen location and thus in rural areas, and corresponding offers are being further developed and expanded.

As part of the funding, the dual study program in agriculture was also opened up to a combination of horticultural training instead of agricultural training with the bachelor's program. Information on the range of courses and courses is being expanded and presented in an improved manner in order to appeal to additional prospective students; Public relations and student marketing will be increased. In addition to industry-specific events, this also includes study information days at the department, presence at career information fairs and visits to schools.

In addition, the study plan was adjusted to ensure an optimal process, and the admission process was digitized and optimized. A voluntary inter-company course on organic farming is now being offered. This is a supplement to in-company and existing inter-company training on the one hand and to the study of organic agriculture on the other.

Furthermore, as part of the QuiS funding, a dual study working group is to be set up to strengthen networking. An interactive map of companies interested in the dual study program in agriculture is currently being developed. In order to achieve further quality improvements in the dual study program, new practical modules are being prepared in collaboration with the Hesse State Agriculture Office (LLH). Program funds also flow proportionately into financing the personnel resources of the relevant teaching unit, which help ensure the offerings of the dual study course in agriculture.

Contact person

Andreas Kleinlein , University of Kassel

See also