Data Literacy Education – ScoPe

At a glance

For: students, teachers, university staff

Topics: Data Literacy, Critical Thinking, Digital Resilience, Quality Assurance

Subproject of ScoPe

Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Data Literacy Education – DataLitE

Data and digital literacy as well as digital resilience are important interdisciplinary key skills of the 21st century and so-called future skills. The generation of so-called “digital natives” is growing up in a world full of digital data, tools and “fake news”. But using these media does not automatically enable you to use them responsibly, which is why we teach these necessary basic skills in dealing with (digital) data in order to be able to use them in a planned manner in the respective context of professional and private life. In this way, other skills are trained in DataLitE, such as critical thinking and dealing with ethical issues. DataLitE is designed to be interdisciplinary and cross-departmental and can be used in various learning areas.

Contact persons

Katrin Pieszczyk , Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

See also