Social advice in the face of crises

At a glance

For: students

Topics: high energy costs, inflation affecting students, advice in crisis situations, help with problems, personal, social and economic problems

Location: University of Kassel

Guidance on personal, social and economic problems

After the Corona pandemic had created a situation that had a severe impact on studies since the summer semester of 2020, which had placed a great deal of psychological and social strain on students, many students were affected by the increased prices for many goods and services and, in particular, by rising energy costs once again, both mentally and factually, strong stress with an impact on studies and academic success.

In order to be able to provide support through quantitatively expanded advisory services in this crisis situation, the social advisory service of the Studentenwerk was able to increase its advisory capacity on behalf of the university with support from the QuiS_Plus2 funding line. The aim of social counseling is to support students in securing their livelihoods, regulating debts and better coordinating income and expenses. Social and financial difficulties can be overcome and excessive indebtedness can be avoided.

Contact person

Dr. Lutz Nickel , University of Kassel

See also