Support the introduction of new SDG degree programs

At a glance

For: prospective students, students, teachers, university policy

Topics: Sustainable Development Goals, development of new study programs, development of new study programs, sustainability studies, sustainability research and teaching

Location: University of Kassel

Course offerings in the field of sustainable development

With the new scientific center Kassel Institute for Sustainability, the University of Kassel is pushing forward the further expansion of its profile in the area of ​​sustainability research and teaching and bundling the wide range of research and teaching offerings related to ecological, economic and social sustainability. Up to 17 new professorships in the area of ​​the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are intended to strengthen the specialist areas of focus and further develop them in a variety of collaborations.

With the support of funds from the QuiS21 funding program, attractive and profile-appropriate course offerings in the area of ​​sustainability research and teaching are being developed. The planning for study programs is guided by the idea of ​​building up professional expertise and professional qualifications in a subject in parallel with interdisciplinary expertise in the area of ​​sustainability. This involves both adding sustainability skills to existing degree programs and developing corresponding new degree programs.

To plan and implement study programs in the field of sustainable development, project positions financed by QuiS21 funds will be set up directly in the Kassel Institute for Sustainability to support conception, accreditation, application, start-up phase and coordination in relevant departments or for overall coordination. In addition to the connection to the Kassel Institute for Sustainability, the project activities relate to planned study programs as part of a model of 'integrated sustainability studies', which can be integrated into new study programs.

Furthermore, a completely new bachelor's degree program in the field of sustainability sciences is being developed. With support from the project, the new SDG-related master's degree programs 'Agriculture, Ecology and Societies' and 'Philosophy: Environment - Society - Criticism' will also be launched. In connection with the project activities, an examination regulation has been designed that regulates the SDG-related course content and modules within the framework of 'integrated sustainability studies', which can then be integrated into new study programs, as well as a new Bachelor's minor subject 'Sustainability Studies', which is part of the existing main subject/ Minor subject model in which combination bachelor's degree programs can be combined with existing main subjects.

Contact person

Dr. Malte Lassen , University of Kassel

See also