Talent scouting

At a glance

For: Pupils of secondary schools (secondary level II)

Topics: Discovery of talents - regardless of school grades, development of student perspectives, support in choosing studies and careers; Support and advice from talent scouts, access to support instruments in the education system, close collaboration with teachers

Joint project between RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and Philipps University of Marburg

Location: RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and Philipps University of Marburg

Promoting equal opportunities and educational justice

In talent scouting, students from secondary schools are supported in choosing a career and course of study. In particular, students with a non-academic background are supported whose achievements stand out in their respective life context (regardless of school grades). With the talents, visions for their own future are developed through open-ended but solution-oriented support and advice. Educational paths are shown and networks and access to existing funding instruments in the education system are opened.

Supporting talented students from non-academic parents

The young people decide for themselves whether they want to complete university studies or
vocational training. At the same time, the talent scouts sensitize the cooperating schools to this form of talent promotion so that the support reaches the students.

Link to the websites of the participating universities:

Talent scouting at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Talent scouting at the Philipps University of Marburg

Contact person

Chantal Mommertz , RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Sarah Schwarz , Philipps University of Marburg

See also