Tutor qualification – StudyCompass

At a glance

For: students

Topics: Mentoring, cross-disciplinary qualification, tutoring, key skills, peer learning

Subproject of StudyCompass

Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Best preparation for prospective tutors

They provide support on an equal level and are as close to the needs of the students as teachers can hardly be: student tutors or mentors. They therefore have an important function at Frankfurt UAS - and the need for students who would like to take on such work is correspondingly great. In order to optimally prepare those interested for this work, a qualification program for student tutors and mentors was created

What role do I play as a mentor? How can I support my fellow students when starting their studies? How do I plan my tutorial in a didactically sensible way? – Prospective tutors or mentors face many questions. The Frankfurt UAS qualification program provides answers: students are optimally prepared for their work at the university in interactive workshops and exchange formats. For example, they learn how to make a tutorial varied or how to give constructive feedback. At the same time, they acquire valuable key skills for their future professional lives.

The Frankfurt UAS tutor qualification includes a basic qualification at the start of the semester as well as in-depth offerings throughout the semester, peer exchange formats and professional support from the program coordinator.

Contact persons

Antonia Stuermer , Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

See also