University: Geisenheim University

  • Analysis of master's programs

    Analysis of master's programs

    At a glance For: Prospective students, students Topics: Increasing study success rates, reducing dropout rates, course development, quality assurance Location: Geisenheim University Research the causes - develop measures Why is it that many students study longer than intended - or even don't complete their degree? An analysis of Geisenheim University's master's degree program portfolio is intended to identify the causes of extended study durations and low graduation rates. […]

  • Internal quality assurance system and course development

    Internal quality assurance system and course development

    At a glance For: Students, teachers Topics: Quality assurance system, course development, profile, accreditation, reporting Location: Geisenheim University Creating and establishing structures In order to anchor quality assurance sustainably, the necessary structures, processes and systems are created in this sub-project. The project consists of three building blocks that interlock and complement each other. First of all, it’s about establishing […]

  • Promoting the internationalization of studies and mobility

    Promoting the internationalization of studies and mobility

    At a glance For: Students, teachers Topics: Expansion of international cooperation, Internationalization@home, global working world, international networking, stay abroad Location: Geisenheim University Expand horizons - abroad and at home A time abroad broadens your horizons and your language skills - it improves the opportunities on the labor market and optimally prepares you for the globalized world of work. The mobility […]

  • ColaBorates


    At a glance For: Students, teachers Topics: Flexibility of studies, teaching and learning formats, collaborative work, digitalization, university didactics, competence orientation, future skills Location: Geisenheim University Learning space of the future In the last five years, teaching and learning has changed Universities are changing rapidly. In addition to the classic lectures and seminars, new concepts such as flipped classroom, blended […]