QuiS conference 2024

Since 2021, the Hessian universities have been working on a variety of projects to develop university teaching, supported by the QuiS (Quality in Study and Teaching in Hesse) funding program.

On October 1, 2024, the “QuiS Conference 2024 – Perspectives on University Teaching” place in Wetzlar in the Leica World, where central topics of the funding program, from study orientation to mental health to making studies more flexible, will be discussed.

The 2024 conference is aimed at all QuiS project employees from science, consulting and administration. We look forward to the participation of a variety of QuiS actors from all 14 Hessian universities. In addition, initiators, decision-makers from universities and politics will be represented. If space permits, other interested parties, especially colleagues from universities, are also welcome.

Conference program | 10/01/2024

From 9:00 a.m

  • Registration for the conference
  • Construction of the information lounge

10:00 a.m

Welcome | Prof. Dr. Katja Specht | Vice President of the Central Hesse University of Technology

Greetings | State Secretary Christoph Degen, Hessian Ministry for Science and Research, Art and Culture

Welcome | Prof. Dr. Claudia Schmeink, Jörg Pulfrich | Moderation team

10:30 a.m

Keynote | The Blended University – On the way to the learning architecture of the future | PD Dr. Malte Persike, RWTH Aachen

11:15 a.m

  • students
  • Members of the university management
  • University didactician
  • external experts from the Student Success Commission

Plenary discussion

12.00 p.m

Lunch break/buffet | Vienna House Wetzlar

Networking | LIVINGroom

1:30 p.m

Workshop Round A* |
4 parallel workshops Alternative: Barcamp I
Alternative: Visit Leica World | Leitz Museum (optional)

3 p.m

3:15 p.m

Workshop round B* |
4 parallel workshops Alternative: Barcamp II
Alternative: Visit Leica World | Leitz Museum (optional)

4:45 p.m

5 p.m

5:45 p.m

Final show lecture | Christoph Rummel

6:15 p.m

End of the official event

6:30 p.m

10 p.m

*Topics of the workshops:

Subject areaFlexibility of studies | New teaching/learning formats | Future skills
(Main) target group(s)Lecturers from all departments, university didactics, interested parties
Short descriptionWhat do teaching and learning spaces of the future, i.e. Future Learning Spaces (fuels), look like? This question is being investigated by the joint project fuels, in which the Goethe University Frankfurt, the TU Darmstadt and the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are working on the development and testing of innovative teaching/learning scenarios. The technologies 360°, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are used. The workshop invites you to take a tour of the Future Learning Spaces developed by the association.
Further information about the fuels project: https://futurelearning.space
LineDr. Ulrike Mascher, Prof. Dr. Alexander Tillmann, David Fernes | Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Elke Hergenröther, Svitlana Becker, Prof. Dr. Paul Grimm, Andreas Fuchs | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Christian Hoppe, Markus Weber | Technical University Of Darmstadt

Subject areaEducational equity/permeability | Prospective students/those eligible to study | Study orientation
(Main) target group(s)Consultants, those interested in the topic of educational justice
Short descriptionOutreach - long-term - performance in context: the three most important aspects in advising and supporting students with participation risks in the talent scouting joint project.

Our goal is to promote individual educational paths for students through open-ended support and advice and thus make a contribution to educational equality in Hesse. In the workshop we would like to talk to you about our work with talent, schools and network partners.
LineJohanne Schäfer, Sebastian Blanke | Philipps University of Marburg, Jill Carna | RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Subject areaStudy success
(Main) target group(s)Project managers, central and decentralized project evaluators, interested parties
Short descriptionMany QuiS projects are accompanied by evaluations, which often face challenges such as the limited project time frame and diverse and complex (sub-)projects. In the workshop, we would like to (1) present our concepts and procedures as well as the special features of project evaluations to project managers, evaluators and other interested parties, (2) work with them in small groups to develop challenges, successes and advantages and disadvantages and (3) discuss them.
LineCorinna Brendel, Sylvia Dietrich, Florian Engel, Bärbel Könekamp, ​​Vera Weingardt | Philipps University of Marburg, Technical University Of Darmstadt

Subject areaNew teaching/learning formats, mental health, future skills
(Main) target group(s)University lecturers, university didactics and university diagnosticians
Short descriptionThe School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is a central academic institution that is inter- and transdisciplinary and develops and offers programs to strengthen personality and social commitment for students, teachers and employees. The offerings include mindfulness training, service learning, mentoring, data literacy, democracy education and sustainability.

The workshop is aimed at university lecturers, university didactics and employees who are interested in the further development of university teaching, especially at people who would like to incorporate innovative teaching methods and formats into their practice and are committed to promoting mental health and future skills. The focus is on the topics of (new) teaching/learning formats, mental health and future skills. The aim is to discuss concrete approaches and methods with the participants that can be integrated into the university context.
LineProf. Dr. Susanne Koch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Braun, Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Kitmeridis, Hannah Lutz-Vock | Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Subject areaEducational equity/permeability
(Main) target group(s)Anyone interested
Short descriptionStudy success not only depends on the commitment and performance of the students, but is also influenced by subtle experiences of exclusion and discrimination in the university context. Important diversity dimensions such as gender, ethnic and social origin never act in isolation, but rather interact and lead to different social positionings. These can lead to disadvantages or preferential treatment in studies and careers. The workshop is intended to raise awareness of diversity in the university context; the reference point for reflection is an interactive exercise for self-awareness. It is intended to enable exchanges about challenges and options for action as well as fields of action in the university context.
LineLeah Belz | TU Darmstadt | Anna Carolin Susann Müller and Thuy Loan Nguyen | GU Frankfurt

Subject areaEducational equity/permeability | Study success | Flexibility of studies | Organizational development
(Main) target group(s)Anyone who is interested in perspectives on making studying and teaching more flexible against the background of different challenges
Short descriptionBased on flexibility approaches from teacher training courses from three Hessian universities, workshop participants can collect good practice approaches for their own flexibility projects. How flexibilization of studies and teaching can be thought about and implemented against the background of the current challenges is being worked on in three topic areas: flexibilization of practical phases, advice and support for a diverse student body, and flexibilization beyond course boundaries and framework conditions.
LineAnna Bitzer, Angela Gies | Goethe University Frankfurt, Manuel Hermes, Annette Huppert | TU Darmstadt, Dr. Sophie Kirschner, Dr. Zina Morbach | Philipps University of Marburg

Subject areaStudy orientation (transition from school to university)
(Main) target group(s)Coordinators of orientation semesters, study advisors, interested people
Short descriptionIn the winter semester of 2024/2025, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h-da) and the Technical University Of Darmstadt (TUDa) are starting their new study orientation programs in the MINT area. The orientation programs are aimed at young people in the transition between school and university and aim to support them in making a decision about a sustainable choice of course of study.

The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to get to know and try out decision-making methods.
After an introductory input on decision-making processes, three methods for decision-making are tested and reflected on in small groups. The insights and methods gained are discussed in the plenary session and made available to the participants for their projects.
LineRosanna Jering and Bahareh Gondani | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | Ann-Katrin Schrott and Laura Albert | Technical University Of Darmstadt

Subject areaStudy success
(Main) target group(s)All visionaries
Short descriptionLego Serious Play (LSP) is a co-creative process that is used, among other things, for strategy development in companies and universities. LSP promotes communication among each other so that team, problem-solving and strategy processes can be thought of three-dimensionally, mapped with the help of Lego bricks and then discussed.

In a university context, operational scenarios with students can include:
– initiating an exchange on interdisciplinary skills,
– illustrating role understandings and expectations; for example in the context of mentors or tutor training,
- in the project context to visualize ideas or as a basis for pitching a company idea in simulation games.

Based on the experiences from the QuiS projects, the WS participants will rethink study success along the student life cycle and thereby familiarize themselves with LSP. The aim is to build on experience and implicit knowledge, but to think about successful studies in a visionary and inspirational way, detached from concrete projects. Through metaphorical building, visions and ideas are not only built with the help of storytelling, but also verbalized.
LineChristine Niksch, Dr. Susanne Reisinger | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Registration for the conference is done using the registration form .

(provided by THM)

Members of the QuiS network of universities can alternatively register on the intrawiki.

Contact person

Christina Neumann , QuiS service point, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen