Exam coaching – Welcome&Stay@THM

At a glance

For: students

Topics: exam anxiety, self-organization, procrastination

Sub-project of Welcome&Stay@THM

Location: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM)

Don't be afraid of exam time

When exams come up at the end of the semester, many first-year students feel doubly tested: They not only have to master the learning material from the last semester, but often also test anxiety, procrastination and learning problems. Exam coaching helps students overcome their exam-related difficulties. In addition to individual personal advice, you can also attend workshops. There are also self-study materials.

Exam coaching supports students in successfully completing their studies and helps with learning difficulties, time management problems or exam anxiety. The start of your studies is proactively taken into account. The aim is to teach all students methods and techniques right from the start of their studies, but also to look together at the attitude and attitude (mindset) in order to be able to deal with typical organizational and motivational problems during their studies.

In acute crisis situations, students can take advantage of individual coaching offers. The main aim is to get through your studies in a self-organized way and to expand or compensate for missing skills in terms of independent study organization. In order to make this offer available to a large number of students, both individual and group offers are offered in different advisory settings (digital, hybrid and face-to-face formats). Exam coaching supports students, taking their educational biographies into account, so that they can be successful in the university system on their own responsibility and self-determination.

Contact person

Debora Peine , Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

See also