At a glance
For: teaching students, prospective students, lecturers, teachers
Topics: Diversity-sensitive study advice and information, diversity in university teaching; Teaching in heterogeneous classrooms, making dimensions of diversity visible; Qualifying teachers to deal with diversity and cross-cutting topics in the course of study
UMRdivers sub-project : Diversity – Orientation – Student Success
Location: Philipps University of Marburg
High school teacher training: innovative – inclusive
The sub-project High school teacher training in Marburg: innovative - inclusive focuses on the challenges of teacher training with regard to increasing diversity in schools and universities.
Teacher training addresses this in two ways: On the one hand, the course responds conceptually and sustainably to the fact that, as a result of the increasingly heterogeneous student body at high schools, a more diverse student body is also starting to study to become a teacher. On the other hand, due to the later, practical demands on teachers in various teaching and learning situations, diversity itself must become an object in the professionalization process of the students.
It is therefore central to specifically address the various diversity dimensions both in study orientation and in the course of the course in order to enable students as prospective teachers to act professionally in various school classes. In order to achieve this, the UMR is building on the successful work with seconded teachers in the High School Teacher Training in Marburg: Innovative – Inclusive project.
High school teacher training in Marburg: innovative - inclusive, combines the handling of diversity as a didactic and practical school task with the associated acquisition of skills by various students themselves and focuses on the role of teachers in an innovative way.
Teaching degreeStartSure
develops and evaluates innovative, reliable and tailor-made teaching, advice and information offerings in the introductory phase and during the course of the course, as well as qualification offers for teachers at the Center for Teacher Training and in the subjects.
Teaching degreeInnovative
tests necessary changes in perspective with regard to diversity and inclusion in the curricular cross-section and with regard to their interdependence with cross-sectional topics in eleven subjects:
- Language-inclusive deals with the task of 'language-sensitive teaching'
- Digitalization-inclusive develops heterogeneity-sensitive digital formats
- Democracy Education-inclusive focuses on the cross-disciplinary task of
democracy education
Contact person
Annette Huppert , Philipps University of Marburg