Research, Academic Writing and Beyond (ReActing) – StudyCompass

At a glance

For: first-year students, students, teachers

Topics: Scientific work, research methods, guest workshop in curricular teaching, term paper, seminar paper, final thesis

Subproject of Study Compass

Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Help with housework etc.

How do I find a topic to investigate? How do I proceed methodically? Which literature sources are suitable and how do I cite correctly? When it comes to the first homework assignment, many questions often arise. And even if scientific work has already been successfully practiced several times in term papers, further questions often arise in final theses: What does a good research design look like? Which research methodology is suitable? How do I design a questionnaire and evaluate it?

ReActing (Research, Academic Writing and Beyond) is available to all Frankfurt UAS students as a contact point for any questions about academic work. In workshops and individual consultations, topic-specific and individual questions are clarified and students are supported in their ability to solve problems independently, work in a structured manner and think analytically - regardless of whether they are working on their first term paper or their master's thesis.

Contact persons

Dr. Verena Demiröz , Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

See also