At a glance
For: teachers
Topics: Key competencies, didactics, teaching quality, quality assurance, advice
Subproject of ScoPE
Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Imparting key skills and university didactics at universities of applied sciences
Our goal in the HAW didactics subproject is to further develop the university's own offerings for university didactics. We examine whether specific elements of a HAW didactics exist and how a tailor-made university didactics can be designed for the Frankfurt UAS with regard to disciplines, location, university culture and, above all, teachers. Qualitative interviews, group discussions and evaluations are used to research these aspects.
Building on this, we complement existing further education and training offers in the area of university didactics, such as coaching and advice for teachers. A concept for didactic teaching/learning workshops for the (further) development of course curricula is being created. In addition to didactic concepts and teaching methods, we value spaces for reflection and exchange among teachers, as continuous reflection and peer feedback are crucial for competency-oriented teaching.