Personality education and development – ​​ScoPe

At a glance

For: students, teachers, university staff

Topics: Personal development, meditation, study quality, stress management

Subproject of ScoPe

Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Personality education and development through mindfulness training and meditation

In a dramatically changing society characterized by rapid digitalization and algorithmic processes, ScoPE focuses on preserving or restoring individual freedom and self-determination. In response, we are establishing meditation and self-reflection as integral components of 'Education 5.0'.

The specific aspect of our approach is that students not only acquire knowledge and learning skills, but also build a deeper connection with themselves and thus actively shape their personality. In school and university, the person themselves, the individual, is often ignored. Our focus is on training the mind through meditative practices and mindfulness. All exercises and their effects are accompanied by the students in a process of constant reflection.

By focusing on one's own “inner center”, sustainable self-confidence, centeredness, concentration, empathy and social skills are promoted. This not only enables teamwork, but also promotes collective thinking and action. Autonomy in dealing with knowledge, learning and the world is strengthened. Intuitive perception, empathy and creativity complement rational approaches to develop and implement solutions.

In the subject area defined in this way, we offer target group-specific courses, workshops and lectures for students, teachers and employees of all departments for personal education and development.

  • Dievernich, Frank EP; Döben-Henisch, Gerd-Dietrich; Frey, Reiner (2019): Education 5.0: Science, universities and meditation. The self-project. 1st edition. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Contact persons

Katrin Pieszczyk , Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

See also