Course variant “focus!ng” (SaG)
At a glance For: Students, first-year students, prospective students, schoolchildren Topics: Time adjustment for starting your studies, support in the individual course of your studies, technical support, competency analysis, heterogeneous entry qualifications Joint project SaG - studying at an appropriate speed Location: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Course variant “focus!ng” Two semesters at the beginning for good success at the end – this is how “focus!ng. The focus is on my studies!” […]
START SMART course variant! (Say)
At a glance For: Students, first-year students, prospective students, schoolchildren Topics: Time adjustment for starting your studies, support in the individual course of your studies, technical support, skills analysis, heterogeneous entry qualifications Joint project SaG - studying at an appropriate speed Location: Fulda University of Applied Sciences Start cleverly They are the modules from the first semesters, which determine later academic success. But mathematics, electrical engineering, technical mechanics, physics and [...]
The best start to studies for everyone – Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (SaG)
At a glance For: Students, first-year students, prospective students, schoolchildren Topics: Time adjustment for starting your studies, support in the individual course of your studies, technical support, skills analysis, heterogeneous entry qualifications Joint project SaG - studying at an appropriate speed Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences The best start to your studies all Starting your studies is a departure into a new world and is associated with many personal hopes and expectations. But […]
Study program variant GettING started (SaG)
At a glance For: Students, first-year students, prospective students, schoolchildren Topics: Time equalization of the start of studies, support in the individual course of study, technical support, competency analysis, heterogeneous entry qualifications Joint project SaG - studying at an appropriate speed Location: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Slow down, Deepening your skills Some first-year students need more support, more input – and more time. The “GettING Started” course variant offers you all […]
Flexibility of studies at the Offenbach am Main University of Design
At a glance For: Students Topics: Flexibility, individual study design, design seminars, feedback formats Location: Offenbach am Main University of Design Space for individual artistic/design development The HfG attaches great importance to offering its students an independent course of study according to their interests and focus, but also to enable them according to their personal life situation and to provide space for their individual artistic/creative development […]
Hesse Technical Center
At a glance For: School students, women interested in studying Topics: Orientation semester, MINT, promotion of women, internships, career orientation, trial studies Joint project by Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University, RheinMain University, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Just try out the future! Math, computer science, natural sciences, technology – MINT for short! […]
SaG – Study of Adapted Speed
At a glance For: Students, first-year students, prospective students, schoolchildren Topics: Time adjustment for starting your studies, support in the individual course of your studies, technical support, skills analysis, heterogeneous entry qualifications Joint project - implementation: GettING Started, Time4ING, START SMART, Best start to study for all, focus!ng Location: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen , RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences With more time and support […]
Goethe Orientation Study (GO)
At a glance For: Prospective students, people with a wide range of interests Topics: Study program with orientation phase, orientation in the initial study phase, study success through orientation, sustainable choice of subject through real study experiences Location: Goethe University Frankfurt Mission: Find your subject! To be really sure and trust your own decision when it comes to choosing your subject - this is the wish that prospective students come to the Goethe orientation course [...]
DiVine – Strengthening international teaching and learning experiences
At a glance For: Students, international students, exchange students, visiting scientists, teachers Topics: Care and support structures for international students, support for international visiting scientists, expansion of English-language courses, language coaching for teachers, target group-oriented English-speaking external presence, international degree-seeking students Location: RheinMain University of Applied Sciences DiVine – Sustainable development of diversity: Strengthening the international teaching and learning experience The employees are committed to […]
Hybrid teaching and learning scenarios in art lessons
At a glance For: Students, teachers Topics: Digital teaching at music colleges, support through sound-optimized software, use of the Moodle learning platform, hardware and software in artistic teaching Location: Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts Digital formats in artistic teaching Encountered in 2021 the HfMDK addresses the challenges and opportunities of digital teaching and learning formats with [...]