QuiS_Flex at h_da
At a glance For: Prospective students, students, teachers, university policy Topics: Flexibilization, heterogeneity, digitalization, study quality, quality assurance, diversity, didactics Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Flexibilization of study offerings at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences The Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) is developing an appropriate one as part of QuiS_Flex A degree of flexibility in studies in order to best meet the heterogeneous requirements of students when it comes to studying and teaching. […]
Hesse Technical Center
At a glance For: School students, women interested in studying Topics: Orientation semester, MINT, promotion of women, internships, career orientation, trial studies Joint project by Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University, RheinMain University, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen Just try out the future! Math, computer science, natural sciences, technology – MINT for short! […]
Study flexibly at TU Darmstadt
At a glance For: Students, teachers, university staff Topics: Further developing and expanding part-time studies, targeted support for students with professional experience, part-time teacher training courses, tailor-made biology studies follow subject-related vocational training, individually developing the basics of computer science, analyzing reasons for dropping out of studies Location: Technical University Of Darmstadt This course of study is suitable to me... The group of students is becoming more and more heterogeneous. The TU Darmstadt is therefore embarking on new […]
Orientation course plusMINT
At a glance For: Pupils, prospective students, students, teachers, lecturers, university policy Topics: MINT orientation course with a bachelor's degree, model course - innovative interdisciplinary courses, strengthening the introductory phase of studies, increasing the probability of study success, promoting underrepresented student groups, orientation instead of doubts about studies. Location : University of Kassel The Kassel model of MINT orientation Inspire young people to study MINT, make it easier to start studying, promote study skills, clarify interdisciplinary connections, secure a […]
Cohort analysis – Welcome&Stay@THM
At a glance For: University staff, university policy, lecturers, students Topics: Quality assurance, study satisfaction, networking Subproject of Welcome&Stay@THM Location: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM) Data for dynamics By extending the standard period of study from seven to nine semesters, the GettING Started course variant is available students have more time for professional support, in-depth study and guidance in the first two years. She will […]
Support the introduction of new SDG degree programs
At a glance For: Prospective students, students, teachers, university policy Topics: Sustainable Development Goals, development of new study offerings, development of new study programs, sustainability studies, sustainability research and teaching Location: University of Kassel Course offerings in the field of sustainable development With the new scientific center Kassel Institute for Sustainability The University of Kassel is pushing forward the further expansion of its profile in the area of sustainability research and teaching and [...]
ELLVIS: Successful teaching and learning – diversity and international aspects in your studies
At a glance For: Prospective students, students, teachers, university policy Topics: Counteracting racist discrimination, promoting hybrid teaching-learning settings, barrier-free teaching/learning materials, making studies more flexible, study advice/support, practical and career field orientation, diversity-reflected teaching and Support location: Goethe University Frankfurt All-round support through my studies Can I graduate even though I am the first in my family to study? Can my working hours […]
Lifelong learning
At a glance For: Prospective students, university policy Topics: Lifelong learning, innovative study model, job-integrated, dual study, diversity, permeability Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Innovative study model development In times of climate change, digitalization and globalization, areas of life and educational biographies are becoming increasingly heterogeneous. In order to be able to overcome the challenges mentioned, lifelong continuing education offerings are becoming increasingly important and in high demand from a heterogeneous target group. Door opener for […]
Develop a university didactic center
At a glance For: Lecturers, university policy Topics: Expansion of the university didactic offering, university didactic qualification and advice, strengthening teaching quality Location: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Strengthening teaching skills through university didactic qualification and advice The sub-project “Developing a university didactic center” is aimed at teachers at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. To strengthen and further develop didactic and methodological teaching skills, a structured university didactic continuing education program [...]